All available Green Line PDF files can be downloaded from the document library.
These are the covers for 1983 (Nos 9-18). Click thumbnail to popup larger image with a link to download page for the issue.
Other years: | 1982 | ↓ | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990s |
Contents for 1982 issues are below. Click title to go to download page for the issue, click cover for larger popup image.
Green Line #8. December 1982 - January 1983. Price 30p.
Cover headline "A Place For Us All" under graphic of the wild world.
Four A3 sheets folded to give 16 pages. Not stapled. Outer sheet printed green and purple on white on outside, remainder black on white, innermost sheet pull-out poster "March with the Greens" printed yellow and black on white.
- p2 Editorial & ads. Last issue sold out, print order now 1200
- p3 ‘Come Join In the Angels Naked March’ by Jenny Carpenter
- p4 ‘Conservation in Oregon’ by Geraldine Goller
- p5 ‘Ecoropa on Defence’ by David Taylor
- p6 ‘Under No Umbrella But The Sky’ by Keith Motherson on the Green Gathering
- p7 ‘Green CND Gaining Strength’ by David Taylor
- p8-9 pull out poster “March With The Greens”
- p10-11 ‘Personal Growth: Life-skills for Radical Change. On Violence’ by Robert Fielder
- p11 ‘The Basques Are Greening’ translated from a Basque Left Wing Paper
- p12 CND Roundup. Greenline editorial
- p13-14 Reviews: ‘Food or Growth – who is starving them?’ by Ecology Party. ‘Is there a Case for Nuclear Power?’ by Sir Martin Ryle. ‘Mystics r Mechanics – Schumacher lecture in Bristol
- p15-16 Letters including response to Paul Ekins (GL6) and SDP/CND Split.
Green Line #9. February 1983. Price 30p.
Cover cartoon of boxing match between world leaders with CND symbols and labelled Geneva Peace Talks (this over a year before Frankie Goes To Hollywood released "Two Tribes")
Four A3 sheets folded to give 16 pages. Not stapled. Outer sheet pale green paper printed dark green on cover. Black on white remainder.
- p2 Editorial & ads.
- p3 ‘Geneva Two-Step’ by Richard Hunt.
- P3-4 ‘South Pacific NVDA’ by David Taylor and Manami Suzuki
- p4-5 ‘Growth for the Future’ by Roland Clarke (organic agriculture)
- p5 ‘Ecoropa on Defence’ by David Taylor
- p6-7 ‘Living the Future Now! : The Politics of Eating’ by Kathleen Jannaway (Vegan Soc)
- p7 ‘Machynlleth’ by CAT. Poem by Jeff Cloves
- p8-9 ‘Personal Growth: Life-skills for Radical Change. On Demos’ by Robert Fielder
- p9 ‘Green Get-together at Maastricht’ report by Sue Miles
- p10 Van Robinson Obit. ‘Green Autonomy’ by Van Robinson (reprint)
- p11 CND Roundup. Greenline editorial
- p12-13 Reviews: ‘Defence Without Offence’ by Barnaby and Boeker. ‘Civil Defence in Britain’ by George Crossley. ‘Guide to Nuclear Weapons 1982/3’ by Paul Rogers. ‘The Death of Nature’ by Carolyn Merchant.
- p13 Peter Simple reviews Green Line in Daily Telegraph!
- p14-16 Letters including responses to review of ‘Who’s Starving Them?’ in GL8, and responses to Peter Mutton on Pacifism in GL7
- p16 small news items on 4th World Pledge and Student Eco.
Green Line #10. March 1983. Price 30p.
Cover headline: graphic image of Tony Benn captioned "I used to think the Labour Party would be the umbrella that covered it all"
Five A3 sheets folded to give 20 pages. Not stapled. Front cover with banner title in red, remainder printed black on white.
- p2 Editorial & ads.
- p3-8 Tony Benn interviewed by Jonathon Porritt
- p8-10 ‘SDP and the Bilderberg Connection’ by Roger Winter (SDP-CND sec.)
- p10-11 ‘The Politics of Eating: Land for the People’ by Kathleen Jannaway
- p12 ‘Die Grunen’s Peace Manifesto’ by Peter Cadogan
- p13-14 ‘Whither Eco?’ by Chris Savory
- p14-15 ‘Personal Growth: Life-skills for Radical Change. Human Rights (1)’ by Robert Fielder
- p16 Mike Bell of SDP-Greens interviewed by David Taylor
- p17 Green CND Roundup by John Marjoram
- p18 small news on Cheltenham Greens and Alternative Parliament
- p18-9 Review: ‘The Turning Point: Society and the Rising Culture’ by Fritjof Capra
- p19 Letters
- p20 Diary and item on Eco-Feminist pact proposal
Green Line #11 April 1983. Price 30p.
Cover headline:"The Sizewell Reaction..." over image of trawler and undersea explosion
Four A3 sheets folded to give 16 pages. Not stapled. Outer sheet pale blue. Outside print green and blue, remainder black on white.
- p2 Editorial & ads.
- p3-4 ‘The Sizewell Reaction’ by Chris Church
- p4 ‘Dumping the Dumpers’ by Richard Lawson (on nuclear waste dumping at sea)
- p5 ‘Sizewell: update on the enquiry’ by John Valentine
- p6-7 ‘Women’s Space’ by Stephanie Leland
- p7 Poem by Jenny Carpenter. Tax withholding campaign details
- p8-10 Ecology Party Spring Conference
- p10 ‘Notes from the Green Peace Front’ by John Marjoram (GreenCND not Greenpeace)
- p11-12 ‘Personal Growth: Life-skills for Radical Change. Human Rights (2)’ by Robert Fielder
- p13-14 ‘The Politics of Eating: Nothing Added, Nothing Taken Away’ by Kathaleen Jannaway
- p14-15 ‘Die Grunen: Victory in defeat’ by Jonathan Cooper
- p15 Small items on Henry George, Baby Milk and Future Work
- p16 Letters
Green Line #12 May 1983. Price 30p.
Cover headline:"A New Agriculture" under graphic of plans and trees.
Five A3 sheets folded to give 20 pages. Not stapled. Outer sheet pale pink. Outside printed green and red, remainder black on white.
- p2 Editorial & ads.
- p3-4 ‘A New Agriculture’ by Digby Dodd
- p5 Cartoon by Du Bouillon
- p6-7 Political Ecology A La Francaise’ by Sara Parkin
- p7-8 ‘The Politics of Eating: Nothing Added, Time For Change’ by Kathaleen Jannaway
- p8 ‘The Greening of Labour’ – Farmworkers Union and Socialist Environment and Resources Association (SERA) form The Socialist Countryside Group.
- p9 ‘Who Needs Alternatives’ by Chris Church
- p10-11 ‘Standing Together’ reports from ‘Gloucestershire Greens’ on Easter blockades at Upper Heyford and Greenham
- p12 ‘Town Polls’ by Tim Eiloart
- p13 Appeal from Wheatley FOE for purchasers of small plots of Otmoor Meadows (M40 extension blocking tactic)
- p14 GreenCND roundup by John Marjoram and Women For Life on Earth ‘Star Marches” plans
- p15-16 Review: ‘The CND Story’ by Minnion and Bolsover
- p17-19 Letters including responses to Martin Stott’s critique of Eco for standing against Peter Tatchell in the Bermondsey by-election
- p20 Notebook – short items
Green Line #13 June 1983. Price 30p.
Cover headline: CND peace symbol in sunflower surrounded by assorted smaller sunflower logos. Title "Party or Politics. COs in Germany. Embrace the trees. Food Politics. Berlin Demo"
Four A3 sheets folded to give 16 pages. Not stapled. Outer sheet yellow. Outside printed green, remainder black on white.
- p2 Editorial & ads.
- p3 ‘Politics or Parties’ by Jon Carpenter
- p4-5 ‘Clamping Down on German Conscientious Objectors’ by John March
- p5 ‘The Fast for Life’ by Innana & David Taylor
- p6 8 ‘The Politics of Eating: All Necessity Removed’ by Kathaleen Jannaway
- p8-9 ‘Embrace the Trees’ by Julie Gale (deforestation resistance in India)
- p10-11 Reviews: ‘Piecing It Together’ by Feminism & Non-violence Study Group. ‘Defended to Death’ ed. Gwyn Prins. ‘Common Crisis’ by The Brandt Commission. ‘Food For Beginners’ by George & Paige
- p12 Letters:
- p13-14 Notebook – Report from Berlin (END Conference) by Roland Clarke. Other short items.
- p15 GreenCND report by John Marjoram
- p16 FOE Rallies
Green Line #14 July-August 1983. Price 30p.
Cover headline: "The Dawning" under graphic. Banner headlines "Star Marches. Green Anarchy. Nuclear Tax..."
Five A3 sheets folded to give 20 pages. Not stapled. Outer sheet pale yellow. Outside printed green and red, remainder black on white.
- p2 Editorial & ads.
- p3-4 ‘The Message from East Berlin’ by Peter Cadogan
- p5 ‘New Thinking on Jobs’ Martin Stott reports on SERA conference
- p5-6 ‘Can Liberalism be Green’ by Steve Dawe
- p6-7 ‘Open letter to the Bishop of London’ by Harry Aldersdale
- p7 ‘The First Oil War’ by Bob Bazalgette (it’s the Falklands!)
- p8 ‘A Green View of Patriarchy’ by Richard Oldfield
- p9 ‘Still Optimistic’ by Tony Jones (Eco press & campaign coordinator)
- p10 ‘Authority or Liberty’ by Richard Hunt
- p11 ‘Nuclear Tax’ by Nick Kollerstrom
- p12 Review: three books on agriculture “Agriculture: the triumph of shame’ by Richard Body MP, ‘More Than We Can Chew’ by Clutterbuck and Lang, and ‘Whose Land Is It Anyway?’ by Richard Norton-Taylor.
- p13 Review: ‘Fathering the Unthinkable: Masculinity, Scientists and the Nuclear Arms Race’ by Brian Easlea.
- p14-15 Letters including two on SERA, responses to New Agriculture (GL12) and Politics or Parties (GL13)
- p16 General Election response by Sara Parkin
- p17 GreenCND
- p18 Green Centres and Gatherings
- p19 Notebook small items
- p20 Star March details
Green Line #15 September 1983. Price 30p.
Cover headline: "Make It green" under world in petals logo (possibly first use of this predating adoption as GP logo in 1985). Headline "Murray Bookchin: Beyond the Freeze. Gender balance. Is Jesus green?"
Four A3 sheets folded to give 16 pages. Not stapled. Outer sheet yellow. Outside printed green, remainder black on white.
- p2 Editorial & ads.
- p3-4 ‘Egg On The Royal’s Face’ by Roland Clarke (the Royal Agricultural Show)
- p4-6 ‘On the Masculine/Feminine Balance’ by Robert Fielder (‘Personal Growth series)
- p6-7 ‘Is Jesus Green?’ by Tom Comber
- p8-9 ‘Beyond the Fire – The Green Alternative’ by Murray Bookchin
- p10 ‘Destruction by Subsidy’ by Sue Everett
- p11-12 Letters including responses to Richard Hunt (GL14), SERA, and SDP-Greens update by Mike Bell
- p13 Green Groups and Centres news
- p14 GreenCND by John Marjoram
- p15-16 small news items including Green Gatherings and a new nuclear despair support network
Green Line #16 October 1983. Price 30p.
Cover headline: Yin-Yang graphic surrounded by petals. Headlines "Green Spirituality. Acid Rain. Bahro on Russia."
Four A3 sheets folded to give 16 pages. Not stapled. Outer sheet pale blue. Outside printed purple, remainder black on white.
- p2 Editorial & ads.
- p3 ‘No Man Is An Island’ by Dave Roswell (green spirituality)
- p4 ‘There’s Something Wrong With The Rain’ by Chris Church (on acid rain)
- p5-6 ‘The Long March Through The Institutions’ by Martin Stott (on the Co-op movement)
- p7 ‘Socialism and the Greens’ details of joint SERA – GreenCND conference
- p8-9 ‘Sea Sand and Socialism’ by Roland Clarke )the situation in Greece)
- p10 ‘Unhappy Superpower’ by Rudolf Bahro (reprint from ENDpapers #5)
- p11 Review ‘Disarmament and Development’ by Clive Sanger
- p12-13 Letters including responses to Tom Comber (GL15) and Richard Hunt (GL14)
- p14 GreenCND report by John Marjoram
- p15-16 Network news including Gatherings and Eco’s campaign trail
Green Line #17 November 1983. Price 30p.
Cover headline: Graphic of robot soldier tearing up pylons. Headlines "Before the Deluge. Chile. Solidarity going green?"
Four A3 sheets folded to give 16 pages. Not stapled. Outside printed purple & red on white, remainder black on white.
- p2 Editorial & ads.
- p3-4 ‘Before the Deluge’ by Alex Hart ( background to SERA-GreenCND conference)
- p5 ‘Solidarity Going Green’ by Michal Greczynski (reprint from Voice of Solidarnosc)
- p6-7 ‘The Midas Touch’ by Kathleen Jannaway (Politics of Eating series)
- p7-8 ‘’Chile: to freedom’ by Roland Clarke
- p8-9 ‘Stop the City’ by Kevin McPaul (report of CND action)
- p9 ‘Against Imperialism’ by Richard Hunt
- p10-11 Letters including responses to Coomber (GL15) and Roswell (GL16)
- p12 Reviews: ‘The Downwave’ byRobert Beckman. ‘Dreaming the Dark’ by Starhawk
- p13-14 Green network small news items
- p15 GreenCND report
- p16 Green Groups news
Green Line 18 December 1983 – January 1984. Price 30p.
Cover: Colour graphic “1984”.
Headlines: Mixed Greenham Demo, After Cruise, Raymond Williams, Britain rapes the Philippines
- p2 Editorial & ads.
- p3-6 Raymond Williams interviewed by Jonathon Porritt part 1
- p7 After Cruise by John Marjoram
- p8 Green Europe by Roland Clarke
- p9 Unilateralism Is Not Green by Mike Bell
- p10-11 What Are We Actually defending by David Taylor
- p11 Stop This Plantation by Richard Hunt (Palm Oil in the Philippines)
- p12 Gathering the Greens by Peggy Bunt
- p13-14 Letters including responses to Is Jesus Green (GL15)
- p15 Networking – Women Only debates about Greenham
- p16 Networking – mixed mass blockade proposed at Greenham
- p17 Networking – call for women to come to Greenham Dec 11th
- p18-19 General networking and green groups news
- p20 Ads