Articles are classified by category. Every article is assigned to a Category. On most pages you will see in the right hand column a list of other articles in the same category, and below that a list of all the categories and subcategories. Clicking on the links will take you direct to the article or a list of articles in the category.
An article can belong to only one category, so it is not always obvious where it should be filed.
In addition to being assigned to a category an article can have any number of tags which are listed in a panel at the bottom of the article. Clicking on a word will take you to a list of all articles having that tag.
You can find a list of all tags here. Towards the bottom of the right hand column a list of up to five articles with closest match of tags may be shown. At the bottom of the right hand column is a cloud of the most frequently used tags - again clicking on the word will take you to a list of articles carrying that tag.
Also beneath the article are additional information panels.
- the publication date and author name which usually links to a contact form for the author.
- the date the article was last modified and the category it is assigned to
- the list of tags assigned to the article
- in some cases a link to up to 3 linked articles
- a note of sources used in preparing the article
There may also be comments on the article by other contributors. If you would like to add or reply to a comment you need to have joined as a contributor and be signed in to the site. To join please fill in the form on this page.
A similar system of categories and tags is used for the document library.