Documents tagged with Sources : EC

Showing all 5 documents.

The Ecologist. Pages (usually also tagged as offprints) taken from the magazine online archive:

Ecologist Blueprint For Survival January 1972

Archived: February 2018

DocTypes: Magazine

General: Ecologist

Sources: EC

Years: 1972

The complete Blueprint for Survival issue of the Ecologist. 

Ecologist Blueprint for Survival Preface Jan'72

Archived: February 2017

DocTypes: Article

General: Ecologist

Sources: EC

Years: 1972

The preface to the Jan 1972 issue of The Ecologist setting out principles for Movement for Survival

Ecologist Movement for Survival Notice Jan72

Archived: February 2017

DocTypes: Offprint Article

General: Ecologist

Sources: EC

Years: 1973

The single page advert announcing Movement for Survival in the Jan'72 edition of The Ecologist (Blueprint for Survival issue)

Ecologist Editorial Supporting PEOPLE Feb 1974

Archived: January 2018

DocTypes: Article

General: Ecologist

Sources: EC

Years: 1974

Editorial by Teddy Goldsmith in support of PEOPLE for the February 1974 General Election

Ecologist Editorial Supporting PEOPLE Oct 1974

Archived: January 2018

DocTypes: Offprint Article

Events: Election

General: Ecologist

Sources: EC

Years: 1974

Editorial by Peter Carline discussing the PEOPLE manifesto for the October election and suggesting support for PEOPLE candidates.

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