Green Line 19 February 1984

size: 5.43 MB

Document Tags:

DocTypes: Magazine

General: GreenLine

Sources: TA

Years: 1984

Year: 1984

Source: Scan from Tim Andrewes personal archive

Archived: January 2018


Cover: B&W photo of Soviet style statue with a woman behind three men with caption Polish women are two steps behind and almost invisible.
Headlines: SERA-GreenCND Conference, Raymond Williams, Poland in Winter, India



  • p2 Editorial & ads.
  • p3-4 Poland in Winter report by Martin Stott of visit to Lodz
  • p5-7 Four views of the SERA-GreenCND Conference by Jenny Blake, John Morrissey, Ken Hawkins, Katy Zeserson
  • p7-8 In India report by Mike Hancock
  • p9-12 Raymond Williams interviewed by Jonathon Porritt part 2
  • p13-14 CND Conference report by Brig Oubridge
  • p14-17 Letters including response to Mike Bell (GL18) and Separatism issues (women only at Greenham)
  • p17 Review Man In The Natural World by Keith Thomas
  • p18-20 Network news


5 A3 sheets printed double sided and folded to give 20 pages.