Documents in category EP Newsletters

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EP Newsletters : The Ecology Party members newsletter was published and sent to members in various formats over the period 1975-1980. Initially the previous PEOPLE 2 page newsletter was reformatted as a 24 page Journal called "Alliance" aiming to bring together news from all parts of the green movement. On the cover it listed over 40 related organisations in the UK and soliticited and carried news items from any of them - FoE regularly contributed a one page round-up. The Ecology Party newsletter component was 2 pages towards the back. Alliance was created and supported by Michael Benfield in his role as the party Communications Director on the NEC. Alliance seems to have published only 6 issues from July 75 to Feb 76. There then appears to have been a hiatus during which it is possible that the newsletter moved to being a part of "Good Earth", a separate publication. From autumn 1976 the newsletter was sent as a separate publication, initially two sides of typescript that gradually improved until 1980. As with Alliance before it there were tensions between at least one of the editors and the NEC. It appears there was no newsletter as such from April 1980 through to the end of 1981. In September 1981 conference decided that the party would not publish a newsletter, and Green Line magazine started in 1982 as an independent replacement, once again targeting the whole green movement.

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Title Year Category Tags Icon
Ecology Party Newsletter Oct-Nov 1976 1976 EP Newsletters Newsletter PF 1976
Ecology Party Newsletter October 1978 1978 EP Newsletters Newsletter PF 1978